Oat Porridge with Turmeric Topping
If you need sugar, honey, fruit, yogurt or any kind of milk to make your porridge yummy, try this delicious savoury breakfast instead. Savoury breakfasts give you a stable foundation for your day and leave you feeling grounded, nourished and energised until lunchtime with no mid-morning sugar cravings.
Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties and will calm down gut inflammation, clean out your gallbladder and reduce inflammation throughout the body, making you feel calm, clean and clear in body and mind.
Cook organic rolled oats in water and a pinch of sea salt.
Pour into a bowl.
Top with ½ tsp turmeric, a drizzle of organic olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, and a little something salty e.g. gomasio, umeboshi plum, shoyu.
Allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature before eating.
Alternative easy option: place oats in a small thermos, pour in boiling water, seal and wait for 30 min or up to several hours. Pour oats into a bowl and enjoy plain or add the above toppings.