Deep Dive Meditation & Pranayama Course
Overview of online content

Course Overview
A 12-class course to explore more than 12 diverse meditation techniques and supportive practices of breathwork and mantra. Not all meditation is equal—discover which ones are ideal for you and why. Experience profound changes in your mental and physical health through the proven effects of meditation and breathwork. The course handbook greatly enhances the practices by providing a wealth of knowledge and resources.
Course Outline
Week 1 Relax the body | Yoga nidra
Week 2 Feel the body | Body scanning
Week 3 Tame the monkey mind | Japa
Week 4 Feel the energy | Circular orbit
Week 5 Chakra balancing | Chakra orbit
Week 6 Open the heart | Gayatri mantra
Week 7 Awaken inner vision | Guided visualisation
Week 8 Compassion | Buddhist practices
Week 9 Self-healing | Energy channelling
Week 10 Balance heart & mind | Coherence
Week 11 Elements of creation | Tattwa shuddhi
Week 12 Transcendence | Antar mouna
Weekly Content
Each week, there is a one-hour class focussing on the main practice and supported by breathwork, mantra and other practices to deepen the experience and the learning.
Of course, you can take as long as you like to do the course and repeat classes as often as you like, but do make sure you progress through the course in the order given because each week builds on the last.
Course handouts
The course is accompanied by handouts that support each class. The handouts provide a depth of technical and contextual information that greatly extends the practical component taught in the classes. The support material includes, for example, practical how-to guides, weekly home practice exercises, mantras and their meanings and Spotify soundtracks, a guide for how to choose your meditation practice, an extensive book list of essential reading, and much more. Eventually, the handouts will be published as a book because they form an excellent standalone introduction to meditation and pranayama. Two examples are given below:
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