Foundations of Hatha Yoga Course

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Course Overview

A 6-class course to learn a range of yoga techniques for mobilising energy and releasing tension from different parts of the body. Classes are 90 min long with 70 min for specially sequenced poses, breathing techniques and relaxation for the mind and body. The final 20 min is guided relaxation and meditation techniques to further deepen your practice of yoga and provide tools to manage your own wellness and stress levels.

Each class is designed to awaken one of the 6 major energy centres in the body, with the aim to balance the whole body, mind and spirit. This course is suitable for all ages and health conditions, with mindfulness, correct alignment and variations for challenging poses offered throughout. The content has much to offer whether you’ve been practicing yoga for some time or are completely new to yoga.

Expand yoga into the rest of your life with a delicious home practice recommendation in each class — enjoy life and have fun while you’re at it!

Course Outline

Week 1 First chakra | Muladhara | Earth

Week 2 Second chakra | Svadhisthana | Water

Week 3 Third chakra | Manipura | Fire

Week 4 Fourth chakra | Anahata | Air

Week 5 Fifth chakra | Vishuddha | Ether

Week 6 Sixth chakra | Ajna | Light

Course Content

The course builds from class to class from the 1st to the 6th major energy centres, or chakras:

  • body-centred (1st–3rd chakras)

  • heart-centred (4th chakra)

  • mind-centred (5th chakra)

  • spirit-centred (6th chakra and beyond).

The essence of each class is as follows:

  1. slow and solid foundation

  2. fluid enjoyment

  3. strength, heating and cleansing

  4. faster and heart-freeing

  5. slower, mindful and mind-freeing

  6. slow, restorative, meditative and spirit-freeing.

Guided meditations that deepen the practice:

  1. Yoga nidra — grounding and nurturing

  2. energy awareness and healing — nourishing and energy mobilising

  3. progressive muscle relaxation — awareness and release of held tension

  4. loving-kindness meditation — awakening unconditional love

  5. rolling OMs — awakening and awareness of vibrational energy of sound

  6. chakra meditation — bringing it all together; awakening and awareness of chakra energy centres and kundalini energy flow.

Yoga philosophy and concepts in each class:

  1. self-compassion, muladhara, steady foundation, ujjayi, breath-movement coordination

  2. ease and lightness grow out of a steady foundation (sukha and sthira), prana/chi

  3. ahimsa, cleansing practices

  4. soul/higher self, unconditional love, heart-mind

  5. deepen meditative state by freeing held emotions

  6. three bandhas, kumbhaka, svadhyaya.

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